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Semi Formal Curriculum
Our semi-formal curriculum is designed to meet the needs of students with more complex learning, sensory communication and physical needs.
This curriculum pathway offers a flexible and bespoke approach to a student centred curriculum, focusing on skills that matter to this student group and their families. As well as literacy, numeracy and ICT, areas of focus include:
Developing communication using multi-modal methods
Choice and decision making while encouraging autonomy and developing a positive sense of self
Developing social and emotional skills, personal development and positive mental health and well-being (encouraging and supporting self-regulatory behaviours and coping skills, developing tolerance and flexibility, resilience, sensory self-regulation, self-help and independence)
Movement and body awareness (including the development of fine and gross motor skills and opportunities for osteopathy, yoga and hydrotherapy, climbing, swimming and outings into the community.)
Skills are taught through a variety of activities which are embedded in meaningful real life contexts which can be taken through into family life at home, into the community and ultimately into adulthood.
Teaching methods that support learning and development may include Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), visual schedules and work systems, principles of TEACCH, objects of reference, sensory diet, Signalong, Intensive Interaction, sensory stories and Attention Autism.
The department is split into groups according to their needs. Multidisciplinary input is sought for assessment, the setting of objectives and joint classroom working.

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